Thursday, December 30, 2010

What's the point about Christmas?

The center key figure of Christmas is missing from todays culture. We can do all the shopping, dinners, and home gathering as much as we want but we can not find the focus of Christmas in them. These are not bad things on its own, but can hardly give meaning to Christmas.

What then is Christmas?Well, the name sys it all, it is CHRIST-mas. No wonder Christmas is never fulfilling if we left Christ out from our lives.

Without Christ in this holiday, we will revert back to traditions, home-comings (oh, do I pity those poor travelers got stuck in various airports during this cold holiday weekend!), feasts for no particular occasion, and making a lot of substitution, making Santa, the tree, the lights as the focal points. We have displaced Jesus Christ from our hearts and replaced by all these commercialized stuffs into our mind.

When we feel something is missing, what else to do? Well, people just keep doing more, thinking more of everything could fill up our lives, i.e. more shopping, more wine more food, more partying more fun. It will turned into a big vicious cycle.

That's it, the more we try to remove Christ from Christmas, the more we will feel unfulfilled at Christmas.


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