Seven churches of Revelation

Can you name all the seven churches of Revelation in the correct sequential order?
Actually, the seven churches were seven cities in modern Turkey. In New Testament times in the first century, the entire region was part of the Roman Empire.
The seven cities were Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum (some Bible use Pergamos), Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.
At that time, Christian meetings were held in houses. Most likely there were more than one house church in each city. Some cities were large and famous as they were the regional centers of their time. For example, Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamum all took pride in their history. Pergamum was the Capital of the once powerful Pergamum Kingdom.. is pleased to present a series of DVD presentation, one on each of the cities, as well as a digital photo collection of over 2,000 jpg on these 7 places, together with Patmos Island.
There are numerous features in the web site, including jpg with zooming control, swf, avi movie, and free wall paper with scripture verses... Oh yes, we are working on the powerpoint files for instructional presentation purposes.
There are so much that we want to do. Each multimedia has its own role of function. When we put everything together, hopefully we can create a fuller picture with all these audio-visual tools.
In the long run, we hope to find time to do a thorough job. We know that these ppt, jpg, maps and resources will be a great help for those who are ministering to the church week after week.
We are also working on the devotional journal, which has detail information on the places as well as some of our experiences while we were there in person.
We strongly recommend the site for those who are making plans to visit these Biblical places, and to anyone who takes interest to understand the NT church.
The main site is in English, with a mirror site in Chinese.
If you have some good ideas & suggestions, write us an email.
All positive comments are welcome.
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