Preface of the coming new book
Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Launch out into the deep…” (Luke 5:4) This was the theme of our Tsuen Wan Church Easter Camp in 2005. Truly, we experienced the wonder of God’s working, and our hearts were challenged to go forth to launch out for the Lord.
Why did the Lord Jesus command the disciples to launch into the deep? Of course that’s where you find the fish. During the camp, we studied about the Lord’s commission to us, and how He imparts many spiritual gifts to His people for His work. We also examined what spiritual gifts the Lord has given to each one of us specifically. We prayerfully asked the Lord to use our gifts to build up His Body, so that our Tsuen Wan church can be more effective in fulfilling the Great commission of preaching the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
In the camp, we designed four different creative projects to help brothers and sisters to grow in the Lord in unity, as well as to develop their spiritual gifts to preach the Gospel. They each launched out on one project and worked together as a team for one whole year.
The projects were:
- To acquire the discipline of writing out their daily quiet time and to boldly share their meditations with others.
- To cultivate an interest in reading devotional books and to inspire others to a closer walk with God in this spiritual journey.
- To learn the creative skills of story telling in order to communicate more effectively the message of the Gospel.
- To discover and explore innovative ways of presenting the Gospel through today’s multimedia.
Just as Simon Peter replied to Jesus, “at thy word I will let down the net.”, we also responded to God’s call and let down our nets after the camp. The projects were designed in such a way that each participants had to put into action the Biblical truths they discovered in their learning, so that their sharings were from their life experiences.
Now, more than a year has passed, what did we experience? Through these projects, we witness God’s miraculous wonder in our launching out. The Lord united our church in one spirit to produce this book. This is a joint effort of the whole Body. As one family in God, even our Sunday school children participated in a daily devotional one-year Bible reading plan which you will also read about in these pages.
Jesus’ concluding words to Simon Peter, “Don’t be afraid, from now on you will be fishers of men.” (Luke 5:10).
We, too, pray that this book can be a means to spread the Gospel to our families, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and everyone we come into contact with.
May God bless you!
Raymond and Rosablanca Suen
Tsuen Wan Christian Gospel Disciples Church
November 6, 2006
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