Thursday, March 23, 2006

One thing is needful

Originally posted on January 25,2006

"One thing is needful. Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her." RSV Luke 10:42

So often we live our lives in this world without any purpose nor any specific goal. We just live day to day and what comes may.

It is an irony that we walk thru life without knowing where we are heading.

Mary has focused her life into ONE thing, that earned Jesus'praise.Jesus' word is very powerful, He said: "ONE thing is needful".Do you know what is the "one thing" in your life?

That seems easy to answer, for most people would say it is wealth, or health, or romance, or love, or family, or career, or experience, or even making a name for ourselves.... thus the common list keeps growing.

Seriously, ask yourself, what is the "One Thing" in your life?On the contray, Martha was anxious and troubled about many things. She was busy in trying to serve the guest, Jesus.

For Mary , her "one thing" is not actually a thing, but Jesus Himself. She sat at Jesus' feet, listening to Him. This is a focus that we may not fully understand.

She was in tune to the Lord Jesus, not just listening to what He had to say, not out of curiosity, not just hungering for knowledge.

She had a devotion to the Master, Jesus.
She had a PASSION for JESUS.

Are we sitting under Jesus' feet?


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