Thursday, March 23, 2006

Attitude of a seeker

Originally psted on January 19,2006

Attitude of a seeker

Today, when we read the Bible, we often forget that the Bible was compiled almost two thousand years ago. We were not the original recipients.

By this simple fact, we should be aware that there is much historical background for us to learn before we can fully understand the Bible message correctly.

The Bible is not a fiction.
It involves real people, real places.

A lot of changes had taken places in the two thousand year span.

First of all, we should adopt an attitude to be as diligent as the Bereans (Act17:11). We are living in an age of knowledge explosion.

There is no excuse to be ignorant. Tons and tons of information are literally right at our finger tips if we care to look for them.

Passion for Jesus serves to bring you closer to the Bible, to the places where the first recipients were.

As we ponder thru the pages of the Bible, may the Lord speak more clearly to you.


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